17、wordpress文章目录插件-Easy Table of Contents
第一步:安装 Easy Table of Contents 插件
登录 WordPress 后台 >> 插件 >> 安装插件 >> 搜索:Easy Table of Contents >> 找到并点击对应的【现在安装】按钮,成功安装之后点击启用该插件即可。
第二步:设置 Easy Table of Contents 插件
1、进入设置页面成功安装好 Easy Table of Contents(支持中文,中文名为简易目录)插件后,我们需要进行简单的设置,设置路径有两个:
路径 1:插件 >> 已安装插件 >> 找到“简易目录”后点击“设置”即可进入设置页面。
路径 2:设置 >> 目录,即可进入到简易目录的设置页面。
2.1 “启动支持”和“自动插入”选项根据自己站点的实际情况选择。
2.2 “位置”就是目录在文章中显示的位置,可选:在第一个标题之前或之后、顶部或底部。
2.3 “显示何时”意思就是文章中出现多少个标题才会出现文章目录。
2.4 “标题”默认生成目录的标题包括 H1 到 H6,可以自由选择。如站点一般就出现 H2 到 H3,那么可以只勾选这两个选项。
1.1 经典编辑器。在经典编辑器中,选择文章中相应内容后点击上方的相应标题即可。
1.2 块编辑器。块编辑器中选择文章相应内容后点击“更改区块类型或样式”,选择“标题”,然后就可以设置是 H1 还是 H2 或其他标题。
// declare a function and pass the $content as an argument
function insert_table_of_contents($content) {
// used to determine the location of the
// table of contents when $fixed_location is set to false
$html_comment = "<!--insert-toc-->";
// checks if $html_comment exists in $content
$comment_found = strpos($content, $html_comment) ? true : false;
// set to true to insert the table of contents in a fixed location
// set to false to replace $html_comment with $table_of_contents
$fixed_location = true;
// return the $content if
// $comment_found and $fixed_location are false
if (!$fixed_location && !$comment_found) {
return $content;
// 设置排除,默认页面文章不生成目录
// exclude the table of contents from all pages
// other exclusion options include:
// in_category($id)
// has_term($term_name)
// is_single($array)
// is_author($id)
if (is_page()) {
return $content;
// regex to match all HTML heading elements 2-6
$regex = "~(<h([2-6]))(.*?>(.*)<\/h[2-6]>)~";
// preg_match_all() searches the $content using $regex patterns and
// returns the results to $heading_results[]
// $heading_results[0][] contains all matches in full
// $heading_results[1][] contains '<h2-6'
// $heading_results[2][] contains '2-6'
// $heading_results[3][] contains '>heading title</h2-6>
// $heading_results[4][] contains the title text
preg_match_all($regex, $content, $heading_results);
// 默认小于3个段落标题不生成目录
// return $content if less than 3 heading exist in the $content
$num_match = count($heading_results[0]);
if($num_match < 3) {
return $content;
// declare local variable
$link_list = "";
// loop through $heading_results
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_match; ++ $i) {
// rebuild heading elements to have anchors
$new_heading = $heading_results[1][$i] . " id='$i' " . $heading_results[3][$i];
// find original heading elements that don't have anchors
$old_heading = $heading_results[0][$i];
// search the $content for $old_heading and replace with $new_heading
$content = str_replace($old_heading, $new_heading, $content);
// generate links for each heading element
// each link points to an anchor
$link_list .= "<li class='heading-level-" . $heading_results[2][$i] .
"'><a href='#$i'>" . $heading_results[4][$i] . "</a></li>";
// opening nav tag
$start_nav = "<nav class='table-of-content'>";
// closing nav tag
$end_nav = "</nav>";
// title
$title = "<h2>Table of Contents</h2>";
// wrap links in '<ul>' element
$link_list = "<ul>" . $link_list . "</ul>";
// piece together the table of contents
$table_of_contents = $start_nav . $title . $link_list . $end_nav;
// if $fixed_location is true and
// $comment_found is false
// insert the table of contents at a fixed location
if($fixed_location && !$comment_found) {
// location of first paragraph
$first_paragraph = strpos($content, '</p>', 0) + 4;
// location of second paragraph
$second_paragraph = strpos($content, '</p>', $first_p_pos);
// insert $table_of_contents after $second_paragraph
return substr_replace($content, $table_of_contents, $second_paragraph + 4 , 0);
// if $fixed_location is false and
// $comment_found is true
else {
// replace $html_comment with the $table_of_contents
return str_replace($html_comment, $table_of_contents, $content);
// pass the function to the content add_filter hook
add_filter('the_content', 'insert_table_of_contents');
.heading-level-6 {
margin-left: 40px;
$('.table-of-content a[href*=#]').click(function() {
if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) {
var $target = $(this.hash);
$target = $target.length && $target || $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']');
if ($target.length) {
var targetOffset = $target.offset().top;
scrollTop: targetOffset - 100
return false;
其中:scrollTop: targetOffset – 100,为距上100px,用于固定的导航菜单。
想实现显示当前目录位置考虑使用 js-toc,利用JQ将目录提取出来,可以实时显示当前滑动位置所在的目录,但不能实现层级显示。
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